When to Service Your RV

RVs often experience preventable issues that could be avoided with timely servicing. Understanding when to service your RV is crucial for its longevity, reliability, and safety. Here, we’ll guide you through the key signs that indicate your RV needs professional attention.

Unusual Noises

One of the first signs that your RV requires servicing is unusual noises. If you hear strange sounds such as grinding, squealing, or knocking noises from the engine area, it’s a sign that something is wrong. These sounds could indicate issues ranging from brake problems to engine troubles. It’s essential not to ignore these noises, as they lead to more significant problems or even pose safety risks while on the road.

Decreased Performance

If your RV isn’t performing as well as it used to, it could signal that service is overdue. Decreased performance manifests as slower acceleration, difficulty climbing hills, or a lack of responsiveness. This could be due to various reasons, such as a clogged air filter, problems with the fuel system, or a need for engine tune-up. Regular maintenance checks keep your RV running smoothly and efficiently.


Any signs of leaking—whether it’s oil, coolant, or water—should be addressed immediately. Leaks lead to critical failures in the RV’s systems. For instance, oil leaks cause the engine to run dry, leading to severe damage. Similarly, a coolant leak causes the engine to overheat, which is also catastrophic. Regular inspections will catch these issues early before they develop into major concerns.

When to Service Your RV: Electrical Issues

Electrical problems in an RV range from flickering lights to malfunctioning equipment and should not be overlooked. These could be signs of an overloaded system, a dying battery, or faulty wiring. Electrical issues affect the comfort and functionality of your RV and pose fire hazards. A professional technician will identify and fix these problems, ensuring the safety and functionality of your RV’s electrical system.

Strange Smells

New or unusual odors inside your RV indicate it’s time for a check-up. A burning smell could suggest an electrical issue or a problem with the brakes, while a musty smell might indicate mold or mildew, which affects the air quality inside your RV and leads to health issues.


Tires are often overlooked until there’s a visible problem or a failure. Regular checks are essential, as worn-down tires decrease the efficiency of your RV and increase the risk of accidents. Check for signs of wear like cracks in the sidewalls, uneven tread wear, and, of course, low tire pressure. Tires should be rotated and replaced periodically to stay safe on the road.

By paying attention to these signs and keeping up with maintenance, you’ll enjoy smoother and safer travels in your RV.

FAQs About When to Service Your RV

How often should I service my RV?
You should service your RV at least annually or every 10,000 miles, whichever comes first. However, this varies depending on the make and model of your RV and how you use it (e.g., full-time vs. occasional use).

Can I perform any maintenance tasks myself?
Yes, there are several maintenance tasks that you can perform yourself, such as checking fluid levels, inspecting hoses and belts for wear, and checking tire pressure and tread depth. However, it’s best to consult a professional for more complex issues like engine maintenance or electrical repairs.

What happens if I delay servicing my RV?
Delaying routine maintenance leads to bigger, more expensive repairs down the line and also puts your safety at risk. Regular servicing keeps your RV in good condition and helps prevent unexpected breakdowns.

How should I maintain the water heater in my RV?

Check your water heater regularly for leaks, and flush the tank once a year. A professional technician can service your water heater to ensure nothing is missed.

Are there any signs that indicate immediate attention is needed?
Yes, if you experience significant performance issues, see any warning lights on the dashboard, or notice smoke or excessive steam from the engine area, you should get your RV serviced immediately.

Tennga RV Consulting offers professional RV inspections and services in North Georgia and South Eastern Tennessee. Contact us to schedule an appointment.